How It Works
How do I get help with my paper on BidForEssay.Com?
Need some assistance with your academic paper? Get your paper written by a professional in just 4 steps:
Place the Order
Fill in a simple one-page form and click ‘Order’. Add additional details, requirements, and upload files if needed. You can easily navigate through the procedure with our intuitive system.
Get Your Price
There are no hidden costs here! Once you indicate the academic level of paper, number of pages and desired deadline, the system will calculate the price of your order. Want to negotiate the price or have additional questions? Feel free to contact us via chat.
Choose Your Payment Method
All payments made on BidForEssay.Com are 100% secure and prompt. We do not store your payment information and never disclose it to third parties. Having troubles with your payment? Do not hesitate to contact our support team for assistance!
Get Your Paper
Once the writer completes the task, you will get notified by email. Firstly, you can get to preview your paper. Then, approve the paper and download the full and complete version of it in .doc format, or ask for changes and revisions just in one click. That’s how simple it is!